TING Zine Expo

Tabling this Friday from 6-9PM at the TAP Centre for Creativity as a part of Tingfest (see the rest of the related events here).

Will be debuting my new comic Foss Follies! If you miss seeing me in person, you can buy it on my Gumroad. But you get a special discount for in-person ;)

A short comic/zine with a bright blue cover reads “Foss Follies: Tales from the South Sound”. There is another copy with a full-page spread open in front of it.

Update: Check out this Article on Tingfest & the Zine Expo on CBC News!


Conference on Walter Benjamin

I helped organize and will be running AV for the Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism’s conference on Walter Benjamin this Fri-Sat! Hope to see you there. Below is the poster I designed for the event. I also designed some sweet bookmarks, so make sure to swing by and pick some up! Check out the full schedule here.

Bonus: a lil sketch cover of Angelus Novus by Paul Klee for the CFP (Call for Papers) ;)



Tabling tomorrow at the downtown London (ON) library! New "zine" I was going to debut ended up clocking in ~60 pages so I decided not to print yet. Instead, I made some new stickers and some pony bead lizard keychains. See you there!

White trans man in a colorful shirt tabling at a zinefest. He has a variety of comic books laid in front of him, and is making a mock-serious pose for the camera.


Adjunct Announcement!

Great news, everyone!

I just heard from the Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies at Western University (UWO) in London, Ontario that I have been hired to teach their undergraduate “Intro to Trans Studies” class this winter term!

I couldn’t be more excited for this opportunity, and hope to work even more with GSWS and the Queer Caucus at Western in the future. It’s nice to be recognized for one’s work, and to get the chance to make a course that focuses on what matters. Onwards and upwards!



Chicago Zinefest 2023!!

Come join me this Saturday May 20th from 11-6PM at the Plumber’s Union Hall in Chicago! I’ve got new prints, pins, stickers, and two new, never-before-seen books! Also free “coming out” zines and $30 on-the-spot portrait commissions. Hope to see you soon!

White blonde brother and sister smile at the camera at Chicago Zine Fest. You can see other zinesters happily tabling in the background.

Me and my sister at Chicago Zine Fest! Great day for a fest, excellent turnout and great trades! Thanks, Chicago!


Theory, Science, and Politics Conference at MSU

Excited to announce I’m participating in Michigan State University’s Graduate Conference in Philosophy on March 25th called “Theory, Science, and Politics”! The panel I’m on is “Gender, Race, Class, and Science”, which runs from 4:30PM to 6PM EST.

This time I’m actually presenting a paper, but it will later be integrated into my dissertation as a comic. It’s called “Minimalist Biological Sex and Evolutionary Existentialism”, which will act as an introduction to biological definitions of transness and move to support a diversity-expansive view of biology to affirm transness as a common variation that is not “unnatural” but instead found across animal and plant kingdoms. Will post more once I draw it out!

SFU Interdisciplinary Graduate Symposium Presentation

Hello, all! Please join me this Friday for my comics presentation on “Crip/Queer Temporalities and Potentials for Futurity” at the Simon Fraser University Humanities Interdisciplinary Graduate Symposium: Transformation and Change. It is both in-person and virtual, check out the whole schedule here.

Working on some great stuff for my dissertation expanding upon research completed in Jeremy Colangelo’s Disability Studies course at the Theory Centre this past year. Thank you for the inspiration and encouragement, Jeremy!

See you soon,



ICAF Virtual Conference Presentation

Presented my research yesterday at ICAF, the International Comic Arts Forum conference! Had a lovely roundtable discussion with manga scholar Deborah Shamoon, facilitated by Biz Nijdam and Frank Bramlett. Sadly, fellow presenter Jakub Jankowski couldn’t make it, but you can still check out his presentation on the ICAF website, as well as Deborah Shamoon’s presentation, here.
You can see the blog post I wrote about my work, 4dtime.space, here, and watch my presentation and the roundtable below. Thanks so much for having me, ICAF, it was a blast!


VCS Symposium Presentation

Join me for the virtual VCS Symposium, celebrating outgoing masters’ student’s research at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s Visual and Critical Studies program.

Below is a link to my presentation that you can view on YouTube, on 4dtime.space, my newest comic, which is an interactive website on the philosophy of time. Enjoy!

Wish You Were Pier Book Release!

August 26th at 7:30PM in the back room at the Green Eye Lounge! Will be selling fresh-off-the-press first printings of my new comic, Wish You Were Pier, with the supplementary Mix CD “They Call the Wind Mariah”! Tonight only, comics for $5 with the mix CD for free. Cashapp, Venmo, and Square available.

Insta Promo